Give It a Try
The Orlando To-Shin Do Center is located in Windermere, FL
If you are interested (or your child is at least 8yrs of age) and the thought of training in a Martial Art has ever crossed your mind but you just needed that little 'kick in the inspiration!', your time can be now! Allow me to invite you to take the first step (of many) in what could be a path to discovering you or your child’s highest potential while collecting the tools to guide you through life’s challenges.
Our classes are offered through on-line inquiry (here), free public workshops (see schedule page), referrals and invitations only. Kindly fill out the information below and a message will be returned (NO SPAM!) with training information.
With so many choices out there distracting us from ‘ourselves’, make time to care for you…
I look forward to hearing from you,
Scott Akitoshi Bragg
Orlando To-Shin Do Center
Windermere, Florida 34786
United States
Phone: (407) 701-0096