Developed by Martial Arts Black Belt Hall of Fame Member, An-Shu Stephen K. Hayes. To-Shin-Do training covers a wide variety of methods:
- Striking, kicking, and punching
- Grappling, throwing and joint locking
- Self defense when pulled to the ground
- Stick, blade, cord, and projectile defense
- Successfully handling surprise attacks
- Overcoming psychological intimidation or bullying
Rather than most martial arts whose movements are based on flashy speed, gravity-defying acrobatics and brute strength, the principles of To-Shin Do are based upon strategic timing, scientific angling, and appropriate distancing. These concepts are supported by the development of energetic intuition, or the knowing/feeling of what is needed and possible at any given time. Similar to that of an experienced musician who just knows what notes are necessary to play during a performance to create a desired result.
The Goal: Walking a path that promotes confidence in life, balanced clarity under pressure, and a sense of service to each other. We do not promote violence, but are very aware that one must be prepared to protect themselves and the ones they love, rather than become a story-telling victim.
Ready to get started? If To-Shin Do sounds like the perfect fit for you we’d love to have you. Get Started Today by sending us a little information about yourself and your goals.